Senegal: Human rights violations on the rise in run up to election
Summary This is a follow-up on a shorter statement published on 31 March, and provides further detail and analysis of recent events in Senegal, including […]
Summary This is a follow-up on a shorter statement published on 31 March, and provides further detail and analysis of recent events in Senegal, including […]
ARTICLE 19 is alarmed by the ongoing restrictions on civic space in Senegal, making the exercise of public freedoms extremely difficult, particularly rights to freedom […]
As Nigeria moves forward under a new president and administration, ARTICLE 19 urges the Nigerian government to take urgent action to protect journalists and ensure […]
Elections are a cornerstone of democracy, but if they are held amidst insecurity and human rights violations, their value and legitimacy are called into question. As […]
ARTICLE 19 is deeply concerned about the current political situation and escalating tensions in Senegal. From 4 January to 16 February 2023, ARTICLE 19 observed a range […]