“We are committed to further strengthen the capacity of our National Assembly and pleased to have practical tools that will assist us assess compliance of our laws with human rights obligations.” Says Hon. Mariam Jack Denton, Speaker of the national Assembly and Chairperson of the Human Rights Committee during a three days training on ratification, incorporation and compliance of human rights treaties which focused on how to improve pending bills and safeguarding women rights and on the revision of a draft human rights checklist.
The training was held from 13 to 15 February 2020 and brought together 17 participants from members of Select Committee on Human Rights and Constitutional Matters and their technical advisers. The key outcomes were the finalisation of an action plan for the ratification, incorporation and compliance of human rights treaties, and the adoption of a human rights checklist. It was facilitated by ARTICLE 19 staff, human rights experts from the Gambia and other parts of Africa.
“We are encouraged to have the Honourable Speaker of the National Assembly and the members of the Select Committee on Human Rights and Constitutional Matters dedicate valuable time to adopt a plan on ratification and domestication, and to revise and adopt the checklist developed by ARTICLE 19 as an institutional tool to assess compliance of Gambian laws with human rights obligations. This checklist is very useful in the current context where Gambia is undergoing significant reforms of human rights related laws and, could facilitate the process of parliament scrutiny”, says Fatou Jagne Senghore, Regional Director of Article 19 West Africa
“We are now equipped with a practical tool to serve the country in the mission we are assigned for the interest of Gambian people”, said a Senior Member of the Select Committee at the end of the session, referring to the importance of the Checklist.
This Training is part of two years programme supported by the European Union in the Gambia: «strengthening Human Rights Standards in The Gambia: support to the parliamentary select committee, Gambia Center for victims of Human Rights Violations and The Gambia Federation of the disabled during transition” implemented by ARTICLE 19 in partnership with the Institute for Human Rights Development in Africa. This project aims to (1) Build the capacity and support the new association of victims to understand and use the right to truth and information as leverage to demand accountability and to address impunity (2) Support the establishment of the Parliamentary Sub Committee on HR and better expose the parliament on the country’s HRs obligations and potential legal reforms (3° Support the enactment and operationalization of the Draft Disability Bill and empower disability associations to enhance their socio-economic status.
For more information: Contact:
Bintou Jaiteh, Legal and Policy Assistant- The Gambia, Article 19/ West Africa,
M +2207233093,
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